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Hi Friend,

Please join us on Tuesday, October 3rd at 12 pm (EST) for a virtual event about what the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action means for philanthropic work in the South. While discussions about its implications have been underway, we believe it is time for a focused conversation on how this landmark decision affects the South—a region grappling with historical educational and economic disparities, compounded by a shifting political landscape.

During the webinar, we will explore the legal restrictions imposed by the SCOTUS decision, examine the potential groundwork it lays for future actions, and strategize how philanthropic organizations and nonprofits doing equity work in the South can operate in this landscape -- considering the legal, political, and public ramifications.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Understanding the SCOTUS Decision: An analysis of the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action and its implications for racial equity initiatives.
  • Exploring the Historical Context: A look back at key decisions and other race-conscious legislation to provide perspective on the evolution of affirmative action.
  • The South's Unique Challenge: We'll discuss the particular challenges and opportunities that the South faces in its pursuit of racial equity, given the disparities in funding and other increasing pressures.

To reserve your spot and be part of this vital conversation, click the button below.

We look forward to seeing you on October 3rd!

Your friends at MDC


Partner & Project Highlights


Rural Investment and Prosperity

Beaufort County Behavioral Taskforce assists local citizens, families with wide range of issues

We're excited to highlight this important interview with our long-time partners at the Beaufort County Behavioral Health Task Force.

Beaufort County’s Behavioral Taskforce has been working for a long time to assist its community. The task force was made to inform health care system changes that benefit individuals and families living in Beaufort County. The task force also hosts a podcast called "Riverfront Talks: Substance Matters" that goes into detail about stories and their mission.

Learn More → 


MDC News


MDC President John Simpkins delivers keynote at 24th Annual SCACED Conference 

South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development (SCACED) is proud to announce John Simpkins, President of MDC, as a keynote speaker for its annual conference, Opportunity SC: 2023. The 24th annual conference is the largest comprehensive community development convention and forum in South Carolina.

The conference will expose attendees to integrated, innovative and sustainable solutions for low‐wealth communities across the state and region.

“We are honored to feature John Simpkins as a keynote speaker at our annual conference,” said Bernie Mazyck, President & CEO of SCACED. “As a leader with a depth of experience in advancing equity in South Carolina, his insights and expertise will inspire conference attendees to transform the communities they serve.” 


MDC joins Child Care Providers & Advocates to Sound the Alarm on Urgent Need for Emergency Child Care Funding

MDC joined nearly 1,000 organizations from all 50 states to urge our leaders to invest in emergency funding for child care.

We're close to a child care crisis that will disrupt families and our economy. When funding that stabilized the system expires, child care programs across the country will be forced to either raise their rates or close their doors permanently, leaving thousands of families without the child care that they depend on to work. 



The State of the South


Save the Date! State of the South in Charleston Feb. 5-7, 2024

Join MDC and our partners in Charleston for State of the South! We’ll gather as leaders, academics, artists, policymakers, and communities to eat, engage, and amplify issues exacerbating racial inequity and poverty.

This event is a unique opportunity to explore actionable strategies that will disrupt poverty and better serve our diverse communities. Your participation is vital in shaping a thriving South.


MDC leads Civic Engagement session at 24th Annual SCACED Conference

“Capacity Building Tools to Impact Civic Engagement in Local Decision Making,” features MDC's own Calvin Allen and Trevor Flanery! Part of the “Grow” track of breakout sessions at SCACED’s Opportunity SC: 2023 conference, this workshop will focus on strategies, techniques, and lessons learned for rural communities to impact systems level change locally and regionally through engagement with city and county councils and commissions to advocate for their needs. 

Allen and Flanery will highlight capacity building tools, such as facilitating group process, mediating various stakeholder needs, and developing results-oriented strategies to realize shared objectives that prioritize community needs. Learn more about this session at the link below:



Your investment drives MDC’s work.

By investing in MDC, you make it possible for us to advance knowledge about what works to create and scale transformative solutions in education, employment, access to healthcare, and sustainable community development.


307 W Main St  | Durham, North Carolina 27701
919-381-5802 | info@mdcinc.org

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